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The Nebraska Association of Teachers of Science has been promoting science education in Nebraska since 1961.
NATS is an affiliate of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences and the National Science Teaching Association. Membership is open to any individual interested in the advancement of science education in the State of Nebraska.
We invite you to join our members across the state!
2025 Fall Conference
Join us!​

Summer Professional Development Opportunities
Looking for professional development opportunities this summer?
Check out the Nebraska Science Education Calendar! Discover exciting opportunities at the Omaha Zoo, investigating Nebraska agricultural and science connections, and Summer Science retreats.
Don't miss out on these amazing opportunities to enhance your teaching skills and knowledge!
NATS/NSTA Joint Membership
As you prepare for the upcoming NSTA conferences, amplify your professional opportunities by joining both organizations at once!
(scroll down to "Joint Memberships")
"Through it all I have always been impressed with how the NATS leadership has also been so highly recognized as great teachers. Did being a great teacher lead them to NATS or was NATS responsible for them being great teachers? In my case, it was the latter! ... NATS grows good, young teachers and gives them a place to polish their craft."
Bob Feurer, Past President 1997-1998
Neb Science Education Calendar
Add to our calendar here

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